Interview with Liquid`Nazgul




[)arkfortis: sup
lquid`drone: hi
[)arkfortis: tell me can u give interview to the [)ark clan site? (long, long sucking-up period)
liquid`drone: k
liquid`drone: sure
Liquid`drone: channel: asdf1
[)arkfortis: np

joining channel: asdf1

[)arkfortis: liquid age sex location?
Liquid`drone: hehe
Liquid`drone: 17 years old male I live in Norway

[)arkfortis: how many years u play sc?
Liquid`drone: I started in april 98
Liquid`drone: which means I have been playing for about 3.5 years... 
Liquid`drone: My longest break has been 6 weeks, other then that i have been playing pretty much non-stop
[)arkfortis: wow long time
liquid`drone: yea i know =)

[)arkfortis: u think of leaving sc?
Liquid`drone: hmm...
Liquid`drone: i will most likely play until wc3 comes
Liquid`drone: i don’t play as many games as i used to though...
Liquid`drone: part of the reason im still playing its community
[)arkfortis: im playing cuze i still suck so no reason to leave
liquid`drone: lol :)
[)arkfortis: yea i know....

[)arkfortis: what u consider ur best race liquid?
Liquid`drone: to be perfectly honest
Liquid`drone: i don’t know
Liquid`drone: im pretty good ZvP and Zvt, but i blow in donkey nuts ZvZ...
Liquid`drone: With toss im pretty good vs terran decent vs zerg and decent vs toss ;)
[)arkfortis: So u can say toss is ur best?
Liquid`drone: with zerg and terran i have two good matchups and one bad
Liquid`drone: with toss i have one good and tow decent
Liquid`drone: im not sure what im consider better ;)
[)arkfortis: I wish I had ur trouble
liquid`drone: haha ;)

[)arkfortis: what do u think about sc community is it going down?
[)arkfortis: are we seeing the end of sc?
Liquid`drone: hmm..
Liquid`drone: im not certain...
Liquid`drone: if scdynasty ladder becomes successful
Liquid`drone: like couldladder was then it isn’t.
Liquid`drone: however if scdynasty dies, then community will be separated =(
Liquid`drone: and then it slowly mean sc dies, but I don’t think it will be dead until several years from now..
[)arkfortis: cool I need couple of years to get better ;)

[)arkfortis: where is all day talk about sc2 u think its just talk or in the way?
Liquid`drone: just talk 
Liquid`drone: I don’t think they will start making sc2 untill wc3 comes out
Liquid`drone: (and most likely they will wait even after that) ;)
Liquid`drone: the thing is that I don’t really know more than u on the sc2 issue ;)
[)arkfortis: oh so on net u will find allot of talking on this
liquid`drone: ye but I don’t believe in anything that does not have a blizzard sign
[)arkfortis: yea true

[)arkfortis: now liquid, witch players u consider best in wold??
Liqeuid`drone: mm.. well
Liquid`drone: I consider [gg99]slayer best in the western world still..
Liquid`drone: I don’t pay close enough ettention
[)arkfortis: u know some isealian players?
Liquid`drone: bloody_zerg ownz ^_^
Liquid`drone: im not certain about witch players are isralian though
[)arkfortis: so u heard of bz
liquid`drone: yea I used to play with him 2 years ago ;(
[)arkfortis: u know challanger?
Liquid`drone: no ;(
{matcab)gandalf: a.k.a eazygun (gandalf was in the channel while interview)
liquid`drone: still don’t know him :D
[)arkfortis: he was last year ladder champion ;)
liquid`drone: isn’t temporarynick israelian?
[)arkfortis: yea a.k.a sman
liquid`drone: hes pretty good =)

[)arkfortis: what u think about blizzard maps?
Liquid`drone: I think blizzard maps are great
Liquid`drone: however I am mad at starcraft players for turning this into templecraft
[)arkfortis: lol
[)arkFortis: thanks allot for the interview drone

[)arkFortis: u got something to say to ppl in Israel
Liquid`drone: stop killing the arabs:) bye

[)arkFortis: later



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