Interview with Liquid`Nazgul


Fortis: hi
: hi
: what site is it for?

: u will see the interview of drone soon

: nice page

Dark is your clan?

: yea
: im [)arkFortis

: dont like urpoll tho ;/

: yea its not my i incharge of interviews ;)

: ah

: its kinda of humor site
: so u can feel free to say w/e u want

Fortis: u rdy?
: k

: What is ur real name and age?

Fortis: Victor Goossens, 18
: and where do u live?

: Utrecht, The Netherlands.

: Do u consider yourself the best player/2nd best in bw?
Nazgul: No, of course not. I'm not even close to that. 

Fortis: is it right that u go to allot of touraments all over the world?

: Nope. Where did you get that from if I may ask?

: all from sites i guess i should stop believe them becuze that its goos i talk to u 
: good*

Fortis: mm k how many years u play sc?
Nazgul: I think you're talking about the ongamenet tourney. That has gotten me into the spotlight at many sites yes. However I'm not flying ot many places for that. I got to the 3rd round. Then I lost.
I am planning to go to Korea before the end of this year tho. That's if everything goes right.
: I started SC like 2,5 year ago. 

: mm cool
u planing to leave sc for wc3 as allot of ppl will do?

: Yes. I'm 100% sure I will play war3 as soon as it is released. I'm 99,9% sure I will play it untill there is some other game to replace it. And by that I don't mean StarCraft.

: as we all ;)

Fortis: Whats ur favorite race in sc?
Nazgul: Protoss. 
: Is that your best race too?

: I don't really have a best race. I'm only better at certain matchups. Protoss vs Terran is most likely the best one. After this Zerg vs Protoss. Then a bunch of others. Zerg vs Zerg is the worst. I rarely play that anyway.

: ;)
Can you name some of your favorite strategies at some metchups?

Nazgul: Favorite or best? Big difference.
: what ur favorite?

Nazgul: I like going m&m vs lurker. The sound of a lurker dying just sounds too good. Also: mines have a nice effect on goons. Seems to me Blizzard gave Terran all the fun ;).

I really find storming drones very amusing as well.  Or cannoning someones wallin. Seeing how pissed people can be after doing that brings me pleasure.  
Fortis: lol ;)

Fortis: what are your greates achievements in your opinion during the years you played?
Nazgul: Winning a 2v2 LAN with Liquid`Oaral in holland. 
Winning a 1:1 ladder for dutch players.
3rd round Ongamenet Starleague.
Final 8 in the $500 SCD tournament.
MVP at Cloud ladder.
1755 rating at Game-i.
Fortis: wow v.nice
and to think all i got its a headhack 

Fortis: Nazgul witch players u consider best in wold??
: :)
I suppose you could add about 40 private tourneys at Bnet. I don't really see that as much of an acomplishment, maybe you do.
Fortis: ;) i had 1 tourament won 1 game and thats it
: Nazgul witch players u consider best in world??


-NTT ;  Slayer ;  Elky ;  Oaral ;  Drone ;  Corbalt ;  Rekrul ;  Astic ;  Myst ;  Asmodey ;  Soul ;  Smuft

This is a non korean list. I don't know enough to judge about the koreanplayers.

I'm sure some people are missing at this list. These people have had bad games vs me so I don't know how good they actually are, or I've never played them.
Fortis: u know some isealian players?
Nazgul: [Crew]Leftout
I know him from way back when we were both in Immortals, [i'm].

I've met a bunch of others but never got to 'know' them. I don't remember their names now. Too long ago.
And of course; you.

Fortis: what do u think clan need to bcome good clan like ure clan?
: Those are your words, not mine.

I have always tried to only take loyal people in. That's the most important thing that holds a clan together. I tried finding good / honest people. 
We had 4 members for a few months. Don't rush yourself into making it big. Keep it 'tight' as a brotha would say.

Fortis: ;)   well 10x allot for the interview liquid`nazgul do u want to say something to the players\ppl in israel?
: Thanks for caring enough to read this interview :).

Thank you for your time.
[)arkTemplar seems to be gay.

Fortis: hahahaha
we all tell him that we hope he realized that 2 ;)

: lol

Fortis: oh do u have some cool rep to add the interview?
Nazgul: A rep of myself? Or just a cool one?
Fortis: i dont want to take to much of ur time i know u need to kick some player ass in bw so of will b great
Nazgul: What?
Fortis: oh ops i ment *so rep of u will b great* ;)
Nazgul: I'll take a look for you, 1 sec.
Fortis: 10x
Nazgul: Do you know [HuK]Rasid?
Nazgul: or GARIMOi?

Fortis: no but i wanna ;)
Fortis: garimo i think i know
Nazgul: One is Protoss vs Zerg, other Zerg vs Protoss. You choose.
Fortis: hehe
protoos vs zerg
i wanna see ur protoss game ;)
Nazgul: k
Fortis: 10x for ur time man i will hope to c u in sc after wc3 will b ;)
Nazgul: np
: maybe you can mention our site:
in the headline or somehting
Fortis: i promist temp will put there a link ;)
: keep watching [)ark site its very funny the humor section and its update every couple of days

: k



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